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Humic Acid

  • Insufficient aeration and high groundwater level prevent the secretion of growth hormone and increase stress hormone secretion in plants. The humo-phosphate in its content prevents this situation.
  • Supports the vegetative development by allowing the organic nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil to approach the root zone.
  • Promotes enzymatic activity and flowering by transporting the carbohydrates accumulated in the root zone.
  • Regulates the pH of the soil and supports the development by preventing soil crusting and ensuring root tip vitality.
Guaranteed Content (W/W)
  • Organic Matter: 15%
  • Total (Humic + Fulvic) Acid: 15%
  • Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O): 3%
  • pH: 11,5-13,5
  • Raw Materials Used in Production: Leonardite