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Micro Plant Nutrient Mixture

  • Prevents trace element deficiencies and chlorosis.
  • Provides a balanced development of shoots for fruit trees and especially for citrus.Permet un développement équilibré des pousses dans les agrumes et la culture fruitière en général.With its special structure, it is quicky absorbed by the plant structure and supports the vegetative development.
  • When applied in postharvest, it supports the bud development for the following year.
Guaranteed Content (W/W)
  • Water Soluble Boron (B): 0,2%
  • Water Soluble Copper (Cu): 0,5%
    (Fully chelated with EDTA)
  • Water Soluble Iron (Fe): 1%
  • Iron chelated with EDTA (Fe): 0,7%
  • Water Soluble Manganese (Mn): 0,5%
    (Fully chelated with EDTA)
  • Water Soluble Molybdenum (Mo): 0,05%
  • Water Soluble Zinc (Zn): 1,5%
    (Fully chelated with EDTA)
  • EDTA Chelate pH stability range (for Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn): 4-7