
Humic Acid

  • Increases soil permeability and aeration by improving its physical quality.
  • By preventing soil crusting, allows air and water to circulate freely in the soil, which are crucial for plant roots.
  • As a result of its positive effect on the soil structure, facilitates the development of the root systems.
  • Promotes the absorption of inaccessible nutrients in the soil.
  • The humic acid in its content converts to humo-phosphates which can be easily absorbed by the plant and thus prevents salinity and unbalanced nutrition.
Guaranteed Content (W/W)
  • Organic Matter: 5%
  • Total (Humic + Fulvic) Acid: 12%
  • Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O): 3%
  • pH: 10-12
  • Raw Materials Used in Production: Leonardite